Notepad – Notes and Checklists
The quick and simple notebook with number ID, for notes, task lists & checklists
Notepad is an easy-to-use free notebook app for Android, optimized for taking notes, creating to-do-lists, checklists, memos and much more. For anyone looking to efficiently manage their tasks or just organize their life better, look no further. The Notepad is here!
✒ Checklist Functionality - Create a to-do-list, shopping list, grocery list or task list..
✒ Color Notes - Change the background color of your notes to suit your personal preference.
✒ Fast & Easy Notes - Take fast and easy notes with the Notepad app.
✒ Share Notes - Seamless sharing of notes with others, for groups and projects.
✒ Text appearance - Enhance the appearance of your notes with options for bold, underline, and italic text.
✒ Backup Notes - Never be worried you might lose your notes.
✒ Location Reminders will alert you of important notes when you arrive at a specific place. You choose the location and add it to your note.
For your privacy and data protection we do not have access to any of your notes or store any of the information contained within them. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly use the useful backup feature on this notepad app to avoid the accidental loss of any important information.
Install Notepad today and organize your life with this easy-to-use notepad application and enjoy a hassle-free time. Never be stuck without a pen and paper again!
كيف يمكن تحميل Notepad – Notes and Checklists
يمكنك تنزيل Notepad – Notes and Checklists عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 2.1.17509
New Features
Option to make text Bold, Italics and Underline.
Option to undo and redo.
Option to change the themes.
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