Mixing Dolls Surprise Games
Mixing Dolls Magical Misting Couldron Interactive Game!
Call your friends to experience the real magic! This is a magical world of magic, we provide you with a variety of wands, magic potions and materials. Swing the magic wand and tap the crucible to recite the spell, add magic ingredients to your crucible step by step. Finally, add your original incantation to the crucible. When the potion is finished, you can see a toy just for you rising from the crucible! Use the magic wand to play with your toys!
- More than 10 kinds of toys are waiting for you to make!
- Magical sound effects and fantastic atmosphere
- Simple operation, easy to get started
- Lots of cute toys
- Freely create exclusive spells
How to play:
- The operation is simple: click and slide according to the game's gesture prompts, arrow prompts, icon prompts, etc...
- Choose a toy you like to play with
- Choose a good-looking magic wand
- Pour the magic potion
- Add magical ingredients
- Write your own spell on the scroll
- Wait for the magic time to take effect
Important Message for Purchases:
- By downloading this App you agree to our Privacy Policy
- Please consider that this App may include third parties services for limited legally permissible purposes.
Crash, Freeze, Bugs, Comments, Feedback?
Please feel free to contact us: link Link is Here
About Beauty Girls
Beauty Girls provides a wide range of fun and free girl mobile games. Choose your story and role!
Important Message to Parents
This app is free to play and all content is FREE with ads. There are certain in-game features that may require purchase using real money.
Discover more free games with Beauty Girls
- Subscribe to our youtube channel at: link Link is Here
- Learn more about us at: link Link is Here
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update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 3.3
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We updated the app to fix some bugs.
Thanks for your feedbacks and reviews. If you have any idea or comment, please give us a review :)
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