Makeup Games: Make-Up Master
Makeup Master Super realistic and advanced makeup game for girls!
Welcome to the unique makeup games! Everyone can be the best makeup artist!
Tons of makeup products and tools, including different types of foundation, lipsticks, eyeshadows, and blushers.
Get your eyebrows done to have a complete eye look.
Apply pink or rose-colored blush on the cheekbones to give the face a reddish glow
There are many hairstyles to choose from. Choose suitable hair for girls.
After makeup, don’t forget to pick up some accessories.
How to play:
Sheet mask help solve skin problems.
Apply the suitable foundation on her face to create the most perfect skin tone.
Use concealer to cover the dark circles around the eyes.
Try as much as possible colorful contact lenses, lipsticks, eyeshadows, etc.
Take a photo to record your makeup and share it with friends.
كيف يمكن تحميل Makeup Games: Make-Up Master
يمكنك تنزيل Makeup Games: Make-Up Master عبر هذي الروابط :
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adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 1.2
Hi there,
We updated the app to fix some bugs.
Thanks for your feedbacks and reviews. If you have any idea or comment, please give us a review :)
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