Simple video coach to Warm Up your body before and Cool Down after any activity.
• Warm-Up is performed before a performance or practice. it prepares the muscles for vigorous actions. According to ACSM, warm-up should be a five to ten minutes of low- to moderate-level activity.
• Cooling down is an easy exercise, done after a more intense activity, to allow the body to gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state. Cooling down allows the heart rate to return to its resting rate. A study has shown that athletes who perform an appropriate cool-down are less likely to become injured.
• over 65 bodyweight exercises
• Warmup program
• Cooldown program
• no equipment needed
• voice coach
• clear HD video demonstrations
• works offline
Custom Workouts
Build your own session with custom workouts. Choose exercises, duration, rest intervals and challenge yourself with your own training. With Fitify you have one custom workout for free.
Fitify Apps
Be stronger, leaner, healthier with Fitify – your very own personal trainer.
Check out other Fitify apps with fitness tools (such as Abs & Core, TRX, Kettlebell, Swiss Ball, Foam Roller, Bosu or Resistance band).
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