Smart Siddur
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, only when you need it
A full smart Siddur prayer book that packs everything you need exactly at the time you need it.
This Siddur app gives you a Jewish prayer book in all main Nusachim including Edot Mizrach (Sfaradim), Ashkenaz, Sfarad (Sfard, Chasidim, Union Nusach) and Chabad (Ari, Tehilat Hashem).
The Smart Siddur automatically organize the prayers to perfectly fit the current Hebrew date. So for example on Rosh Hodesh you will see Halel after Amida, but on a regular weekday, you'll see Tahnun.
A celebration in Shul? Does someone have a new baby boy? You can simply toggle the No Tahnun option and immediately it will be removed from the text.
The Siddur now included a Woman toggle, so you won't have to deal with Tfilin and Men oriented prayers.
And now new! A compass to Jerusalem!
**Prayers Included**
* Shacharit
* Mincha
* Arvit (Maariv)
* Birkat HaLevana
* Birkat HaMazon
* All the blessings said on food
* Megilat Ester on time
* Full Kinnot book
And many more
How can download Smart Siddur
You Can Download Smart Siddur from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 7.5.272
Crash fix
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